Friday, September 6, 2013

Personal Vs Business Social Media

There seems to be a gray area when it comes to social media in the business world and regarding personal use. I use Face book, Intragram and LinkedIn for personal use and I use Facebook for our department’s business page. I have yet to use Twitter or Google+ so I am not sure which they would be best suited for. Blogs I feel would be suited for business and personal due to their nature and the amount of information that can be stored on the page. Blogs could be used for tutorials and lengthy information that you would not want to put on a Facebook page or Twitter. It also depends on the type of business when it comes to choosing social media platforms and which is most appropriate and for what audiences.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I use those same three platforms somewhat regularly as well. I can see how they could all be used for business if it's the right type of business. I suppose not every platform will work for every business.

    I checked out the Community Services Facebook page. I like that you post all the job announcements. I didn't think about it, but that goes hand-in-hand with Community Services. I am looking to start and maintain a social media presence for our high school diploma program. I may pick your brain at some point.

  3. I do agree with you on the grey area part, because I feel a lot of social media sites can really be used either way. I was not away that LinkedIn could be used for personal use! Though, I have not really checked out the site which is probably why haha.

  4. Lori, a simple template but one that is clean and works well for you. I agree that it depends on the business to determine what social media you will use.
