Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Post Reach and Post Engagement on Facebook

Post Reach and Post Engagement on Facebook
Post reach is how many people saw the post or activity on your page…non-fans, check- in’s and mentions included. You can also analyze who you reached by gender, age, etc.  Post Engagement is how many people engaged on that post.  Meaning if they “liked” it or posted a comment or responded to a comment. 
Under Facebook insights you can break down the figures or fans vs. non-fans, paid or organic.  You can also find four sets of breakdowns for engagement:
1.   Post Clicks & likes, Comments & shares
2.   Like, comments and shares
3.   Post hides, hides of all posts, reports of spam, and unlikes
4.   Engagement rate %
On several articles about Facebook engagement I found ideas on how to increase your engagement.  
  Some mentioned were:
1.   Add photos (products, services)
2.   Add photos of funny pictures to draw attention.
3.   Involve your customers by asking questions
4.   Offer discounts for fans or people who comment on your posts
5.   Use quotes
6.   Do fill in the blank questions
7.   Ask for votes about a product or opinion
8.   Add Hash Tags

Business's can use Facebook insights in a variety of ways to determine who is the target market.  They can  determine what kinds and types of customers they are reaching. (Gender, age, country, language). How many customers they are reaching.  What time of day is the best time to reach customers.  What types of posts are reaching the most people.  How many people shared the post.  

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