Friday, November 22, 2013

Week 12- Coupon Deal

I thought of a couple coupon deals I could develop for our English Language Institute.

1.  I would offer a coupon to educational consultants or agents of a $200 referral fee for any student who enrolled in any one of our ELI sessions.  This would encourage more agents to advertise our school and hopefully bring more students to our program.

2. I would offer the ELI students a coupon for a $200 discount if they enroll in two sessions and pay in full.  Most of our student do attend several sessions but this would encourage them to sign up and pay for two which would ensure retention.

3.  I could offer a coupon for a free Institutional TOEFL test to any student who "likes" our facebook page. ($30 value)

4.  I could offer a free text book to any student who gives us a rating on Yelp! ($60 value)

1 comment:

  1. The third coupon deal will be a little hard to execute because of tracking. People can like and unlike the page or just sit there and do nothing. It would be better to run a promotional contest for the free test. Same thing with Yelp. Make sure the offers aren't violating the site's policies as well prior to running them.
