Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 12 Part 2- Other Social Media Tools

The four other tools I would use would be:
1.  Google+ - I could use the CIRCLES to create different circles from past and present ELI students.  I would also have a circle for our educational consultants.  Communities would also work for our institute to possibly help answer questions for our future students.  Lastly, the hangouts would be a great place to hold a study group for our institute to have a pre-departure meeting for new arriving students.

2.  Linkedin- This would be a good tool to connect with potential ESL teachers and educational consultants.

3.  Yelp- This is a tool I will start using right away with my current ELI students.  I will try to get them to Yelp our language school and offer incentives for doing so.  (Maybe extra credit or free T-shirt)

4. Google Maps- Just a great idea to get our Institute out there and let people know where to find us!

1 comment:

  1. It's great to hear about your plans with G+. I like using the Hangouts for my client work and meetups. It makes it so much easier when people want a face-to-face meeting and not have to drive 40 miles out of my way and take most of the day to meet with them for a simple website update. Google Maps is great but make sure to register your business with Google Local and create a business profile with Google + essentially doing one or the other will create a business profile. I work with a friend's carpet cleaning business and it how we get a lot of referrals and reviews from clients. Yelp is great but it really helps that those reviews are attached to the search engine results every time someone searches for the business.
